[WLUG] 'Forbidden' website

Jim Irrer irrer at umich.edu
Sun Dec 3 16:07:02 EST 2017

Hi -

I'm trying to unravel a web security problem on my home desktop Xubuntu

When I try to visit https://www.moosejaw.com/ I get:

*Error Code: 403 (Forbidden )Server stopped processing your
request(ID:2068051582). *

Pinging it gets:

ping www.moosejaw.com
PING b2b57520ef4f01311ce112313d08f98b.yottaa.net ( 56(84)
bytes of data.

I don't know if this is relevant, but pinging from a different host on a
different network gets a different IP:

ping www.moosejaw.com
PING b2b57520ef4f01311ce112313d08f98b.yottaa.net ( 56(84)
bytes of data.

It also fails on the desktop if I use a different account or different
browsers. I have also tried completely
erasing all browser history, but it still fails.

If I try to use my tablet from home on the same network as the failing PC,
it works fine, so it would seem
to be confined to my desktop PC.

Any ideas?

One more thing I tried was to try to browse to , but
got the response:

Your connection is not secure

The owner of has configured their website improperly. To
protect your information from being stolen, Firefox has not connected to
this website.

Learn more…

Report errors like this to help Mozilla identify and block malicious sites uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for the following names:
  www.yottaa.net, *.elementbrand.com, *.elementjapan.com, *.gregzammuto.com,
*.rvca.com, ac-dc.power.com, au.billabong.com, cd.honestqa.com,
cdn.burlingtoncoatfactory.com, cert-3.yottaa-support.net,
development.joann.com, f1.ebags.com, gate-driver.power.com,
igbt-driver.power.com, led-driver.power.com, medelita.gscadmin.com,
prod.shoplc.com, qa.mountainsteals.com, rad.ebags.com, rewards.moosejaw.com,
stage-cdn.burlingtoncoatfactory.com, stage.offbroadwayshoes.com,
stage.pepboys.com, stage.shoebuy.com, stage.shoes.com,
static-dev63-image.shoplc.com, tags.ebags.com, thursdayboots.com,
traffictest.ebags.com, www.diningbycandlelight.com, www.eagleinvsys.com,
www.evemattress.co.uk, www.jny.com, www.jockey.ca, www.joesjeans.com,
www.judaica.com, www.jwines.com, www.killcliff.com, www.lnt.com,
www.mileskimball.com, www.moosejaw.com, www.mountainsteals.com,
www.officefurniture.com, www.power.com, www.samsonite.com.hk,
www.samsonite.com.sg, www.samsonitemall.co.kr, www.scentiments.com,
www.shoebuy.com, www.shoes.com, www.sleeptrain.com, www.tillys.com,
www.watties.co.nz, www.yummicandles.com, yottaa.net



- Jim

Jim Irrer     irrer at umich.edu       (734) 647-4409
University of Michigan Hospital Radiation Oncology
519 W. William St.             Ann Arbor, MI 48103-4943
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