[WLUG] More Java phone stuff: Ringtones

Drew drew4096 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 15:48:48 EST 2017

I have managed to get app loading working on Java phones simply by
putting a jar/jad pair of files in my www directory on Grex.

However attempts to do the same with Ringtones have met with no success.

Putting an mp3 file on Grex then downloading it directly just plays
the file, and gives no option for using it any other way.

Going through the stuff I got from archive's save of rumkin, I found
reference to .gcd files, which are to ringtones and wallpapers what
jad files are to jar files. Creating a .gcd file manually to point to
the .mpg then trying to downoad it results in the phone's native
browser saying "Unable to display the content".

Rumkin is dead, and now so is Myxer. But I found that funformobile
still (for now) has ringtones that can be installed in a java phone.
They have an uploader too, but it wants a phone number to send it as
an SMS. Not only does this cost me money, but gives away my phone
number as well. So...

It occurred to me to try something. I booted up Ubuntu with Firefox,
and put a user agent spoofer on it, and set it to pretend to be my
java phone. Then I went to funformobile and went after a ringtone. It
balked at giving it to me on one page; but by switching the UA spoofer
on and off and cutting and pasting links I managed to get funformobile
to cough up an mp3 file and a php file whose contents are that of a
gcd file, pointing to that mp3 file.

So I edited the php file to point to the mp3 on grex, uploaded both to
grex, and tried to install with the phone native browser. The mp3
directly downloaded still just plays and doesn't present options to
use it; and the php file still returns unable to display the content.

What else does the phone want? What exactly did rumkin, and what does
funformobile, do to get the file to work as a ringtone? Can anyone
else make sense of it?

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