[WLUG] Looking for a job

John Gotts jgotts at gmail.com
Sun Jun 4 20:07:00 EDT 2017

I'm a long time member of the Washtenaw Linux Users Group, but I'm rarely
ever in the market for a job. In fact, I just finished working for the same
company (NetPOS) for more than 8 years. Unfortunately, I needed to part
ways with NetPOS and I officially resigned from that company on March 31st.

I'm enjoying my time off by repairing Nintendo consoles. You can see the
fruits of my labor on Instagram. Officially, I studied electrical
engineering at the University of Michigan, and there is the very real
possibility that I will one day return to finish as I am now becoming
interested in electronics.

I have been doing Linux development for 23 years, since I got started at
age 19 in 1994 while at the University of Michigan. I've done everything
from working on the kernel to a small extent to contributing to the GNU
utilities to application development and most recently, embedded systems
(point of sale).

I see that now U of M's CAEN relies on Linux. I worked for them before they
started using Linux, so I'm well versed in the UNIX variants that predated
Linux. I programmed probably the first device running Linux at Ford in 1996
as my first Linux programming job in corporate America.

If anyone has any good ideas, I'd like to get back to working by the end of
June. While we've had
some very nice summer weather, it's time for me to get back to the grind.

I apologize for not being very active lately. My work at NetPOS was
draining at times, and I didn't have much energy to do Linux development
outside of work.

My resume is available in all formats:


I'm currently editing my cover letter. I hope to have two cover letters,
short and long, ready within the next few days. Brevity is a bit of a
challenge for me.

Thanks for reading this, and let me know if you have any good ideas.

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