[WLUG] Talk for Feb 15 meeting

Drew drew4096 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 11 19:58:53 EST 2018

My attempt to get a Rumkin substitute set up, that we were going
through last month.

I ended up writing a bash script that unzips a tarball full of .debs
and dpkgs them in (more or less) order of Dependency. And I`ve got
some tarballs including one with apache2, php, and MariaDB for 17.10.
The installs go in smoothly and mariadb seems to start up okay.
However, the tables.txt file I'm supposed to run uses a parameter for
CREATE TABLE that doesn't seem to exist, and is missing a database

Also, I've not been able to repeat the success that I had running an
older version of the rumkin site and generating an mp3-gcd pair. THe
closest I get is that when the website software is supposed to run a
.php file (upload2.php) the brower just dumps the file text.

I still have that pair of files though; they're on my phones, and I
have another copy up on grex. But when I point the phone web browser
to the .gcd file on grex, it says that it can't display the content.
If I use UCBrowser (so as to go through its proxy server) to load the
gcd file on my Freedompop phone. and have that file pointing to the
mp3 on grex, it does a *little* better. But it still fails to properly
install the ringtone.

I should have a few more scripts by the time of the meeting.

On 2/11/18, Mike Bernson <mike at mlb.org> wrote:
> I am looking for a talk for the Feb meeting.
> Does anyone have something that would like to talk about ?
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