[WLUG] HotSpot as Server?

Clif Flynt CLIF at cflynt.com
Tue Sep 17 11:12:34 EDT 2019


  A recent lightning strike brought home my need to have a backup for
my internet connectivity.

  I'm in the hinternlands where DSL, cable, and even ISDN don't exist.
  The big trick is that I run my own web and mail servers. Satellite
internet won't allow a server connection. (At least, not last time I

  During my recent outage, I set up a cell-phone as a hotspot. This was
adequate for browsing, etc, but the cell-phone hotspot application does
not support Port Forwarding, so there's no way to direct incoming
packets to my server.

  The Verizon JetPack online docco says the gizmo does Port Forwarding.

  Has anyone used this device to hook a server onto the net? Did it work?
  Obviously, I'd need to update the DNS fairly frequently, since
Verizon says you can have "up to 24 hours" at a time. 

  I don't intend to use a hotspot as a long-term alternative to my
normal ISP, but it would keep my servers online for the few days it
sometimes takes to repair/replace hardware.


... Clif Flynt ... http://www.cflynt.com ... clif at cflynt.com ....
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