[WLUG] Raspberry PI

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Fri Dec 13 04:27:00 EST 2013


On Fri, 13 Dec 2013, Robert Seward wrote:

> Anyone doing cool stuff with the Raspberry PI?
> I would love to hear about out of the ordinary uses for the PI by LUG
> members.
> Seems like it would be mandatory to have a meeting or two dedicated to
> this cool platform. It would also be cool to do a Raspberry PI install
> fest of some sort. A community effort to hack stuff onto PIs.

    After the new year I will be replacing a 5-U rack-mounted server with a 
RasberryPi carrying a TNC-Pi on top of it.  This will be used as an 
Amateur Packet Radio node on the AMPRnet radio network.  The 'node' will 
be running Linux on the RasPi as the underlying OS, with JNOS running as 
an application that performs all the AX.25 Packet assembly/disassembly 
functions, encapsulation of TCP/IP over the top of the AX.25 Link layer, 
SMTP, DNS, FTP, Converse and Telnet functions over the air.  This forms 
one of 22 "HamGate" nodes in Michigan's statewide 'AMPRnet' network.

    The Coastal Chipworks "TNC-Pi":  http://tnc-x.com/TNCPi.htm

    I hope to secure an Internet connection atop the St.Joe Hospital where 
I also run an FM Repeater in combination with an APRS (Automatic Position 
Reporting System) 'digipeater'.  My intention is to upgrade the digi into 
a full-blown APRS Digi and "IGate" node.  This would again would use the 
TNC-Pi atop a RasberryPi.

    APRS activity around AA/Ypsi: 

    There are *plenty* of usefull applications for the RasPi in Amateur 
Radio :)

       --- Jay  WB8TKL

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